
Why humidity makes curls frizzy?

Why humidity makes curls frizzy

Curly hair is extremely sensitive to humidity and hair reacts to humidity by curling or frizzing. Your hair has a natural shape, and the shape of each strand is usually slightly irregular. When it’s humid, water molecules enter the hair strand and bind the proteins inside causing frizz.

What is the solution?

As humidity hits, curly hair needs more moisture. That is right, more moisture! Do not give your hair a reason to look for moisture in the atmosphere: provide it through your stylers, cleanser, conditioner and treatments.

TOP TIP: Skip the alcohol – avoid hair products that contain high levels of alcohol, which dries out curly strands, sending them searching for moisture in the air.

If all else fails, put it up! Romantic braids, ponies, and buns are also quick and easy ways to get through a humid day. Don’t over think it! 😊

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